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Lueckhoffia beukmanii

Verfasst: 25. April 2013, 15:43
von thx-tom

ich habe die Pflanze seit kurzem. Wie ist denn die Wurzelempfindlichkeit einzustufen? Normal wie eine Stapelia oder eher wie eine Hoodia?
Besten Dank im Voraus für eure Tips

Re: Lueckhoffia beukmanii

Verfasst: 26. April 2013, 08:22
von thx-tom
Hallo Herr Thiele besten Dank für die Infos. Ich habe die Pflanze von Plapp und kann heute abend mal ein Foto machen.
Außerdem werde ich mich zwischenzeitlich noch ordentlich vorstellen.
Bei der Art scheint es sich tatsächlich um eine Naturhybride zu handeln. Ich habe bei folgendes gefunden:

Studied by White & Sloane in S. African Gard., 1935, xxv. 36, 37.

Found in Rsa Clanwilliam Distr. in Pakhuis Mts. on road between Clanwilliam & Calvinia.

"Beukmann's Luckhoffia" was discovered in 1933 by C. Beukmann, a school teacher and amateur botanist of Bonnie Vale. Today regarded as a putative hybrid between a Hoodia and a Stapelia or Caralluma. Mr Luckhoff wrote "A few days ago we visited the locality of Luckhoffia beukmannii. The locality was defined to us in great detail by Mr. Beukmann, and we found the correct spot. There was, however, not a single plant to be seen, but instead hundreds of specimens of Hoodia [not in flower], two species of Caralluma (now Orbea) [also not in flower], Stapelia arenosa and S.stultitiodes. The distribution was very closely defined, but though we covered the ground thoroughly not a single plant of Luckhoffia which is very tall and striking and cannot be missed, was found. The conclusion I draw is that Luckhoffia is a natural hybrid between a Hoodia and either a Caralluma [Orbea] or one of the two Stapelias mentioned, and that the few plants found by Mr Beukmann, less than half a dozen in all, were the only ones in existence."
Modernly called a Hoodiapelia. Dennis de Kock in his checklist states it is a hybrid Hoodia gordonii X Stapelia arenosa.

Re: Lueckhoffia beukmanii

Verfasst: 26. April 2013, 19:41
von thx-tom
Etwas unscharf, aber besser gings nicht auf die schnelle